#include <math.h> #include <stdlib.h> //#include "project.h" #include "IQmathLib.h" //#include "f281xpwm.h" // ////#include "SpaceVectorPWM.h" //#include "MemoryFunctions.h" //#include "PWMTools.h" //#include "pwm_vector_regul.h" //#include "PWMTMSHandle.h" //#include "TuneUpPlane.h" //#include "RS_Functions.h" //#include "CAN_setup.h" //#include "global_time.h" #include "params.h" #include "vector.h" //#include "rmp_cntl_my1.h" //#include "vhzprof.h" //#include "adc_tools.h" //#include "v_pwm24.h" //#include "break_regul.h" //#include "break_tools.h" //#include "detect_phase.h" //#include "mathlib.h" //#include "project.h" //#include "log_to_memory.h" //#include "rotation_speed.h" //#include "detect_overload.h" //#include "xp_write_xpwm_time.h" //#include "errors.h" //#include "sync_tools.h" //#include "optical_bus.h" //#include "IQmathLib.h" #define DEF_FREQ_PWM_XTICS (3750000 / FREQ_PWM / 2) #define DEF_PERIOD_MIN_XTICS 400 //375 ~ 100mks //315 ~ 84 mks //460//(3750000 * mks / 1000000) #define DEF_PERIOD_MIN_BR_XTICS 165 #define DEF_FREQ_PWM_XTICS_MIN = 4261 #define DEF_FREQ_PWM_XTICS_MAX = 4687 #define STOP_ROTOR_LIMIT 27962 //2 rpm #define STOP_ROTOR_MIN_CURRENT 4194304 //750A //3355443 //600A #define K_MODUL_MAX 15770583 //13421772 //80% //10066329 //60% //5033164 //30% 15099494 ~ 90% //15435038 ~ 0.92% //15770583 ~ 0.94% #define MIN_Fsl_WHEN_STOPED 41943 //0.05 //67108 //0.08Hz #define PWM_ONE_INTERRUPT_RUN 1 #define PWM_TWICE_INTERRUPT_RUN 0 //4464 // ������� ��� � xilinx ����� (60000000 / 16 / FREQ_PWM = 3750000 / FREQ_PWM) #pragma DATA_SECTION(VAR_FREQ_PWM_XTICS,".fast_vars1"); int VAR_FREQ_PWM_XTICS = DEF_FREQ_PWM_XTICS; // ����������� �������� ���� � xilinx ����� #pragma DATA_SECTION(VAR_PERIOD_MAX_XTICS,".fast_vars1"); int VAR_PERIOD_MAX_XTICS = DEF_FREQ_PWM_XTICS - DEF_PERIOD_MIN_XTICS; // ����������� �������� ���� � xilinx ����� (mintime+deadtime) (F���� * T���.�����.��� = (60 / 16 / 2) * T��� = (60 * T��� / 16 / 2)) #pragma DATA_SECTION(VAR_PERIOD_MIN_XTICS,".fast_vars1"); int VAR_PERIOD_MIN_XTICS = DEF_PERIOD_MIN_XTICS;// // ����������� �������� ���� � xilinx ����� ��� ��������� ������ (mintime) (F���� * T���.�����.��� = (60 / 16 / 2) * T��� = (60 * T��� / 16 / 2)) #pragma DATA_SECTION(VAR_PERIOD_MIN_BR_XTICS,".fast_vars1"); int VAR_PERIOD_MIN_BR_XTICS = DEF_PERIOD_MIN_BR_XTICS;// #pragma DATA_SECTION(freq1,".fast_vars1"); _iq freq1; #pragma DATA_SECTION(k1,".fast_vars1"); _iq k1 = 0; RMP_MY1 rmp_freq = RMP_MY1_DEFAULTS; //VHZPROF vhz1 = VHZPROF_DEFAULTS; // WINDING a; // FLAG f; #define COUNT_SAVE_LOG_OFF 100 //������� ������ ��� ����������� ����� ��������� #define COUNT_START_IMP 2 int i = 0; /*void InitPWM() { WriteMemory(ADR_PWM_MODE_0, 0x0000); //�������� � �������� ��������� ��� TMS }*/ static void write_swgen_pwm_times(); void write_swgen_pwm_times_split_eages(unsigned int mode_reload); void fix_pwm_freq_synchro_ain(); void detect_level_interrupt(void); void detect_current_saw_val(void); void InitXPWM(void) { #ifdef XPWMGEN /* Start of PWM Generator initialization*/ for(i = 0; i < 16; i++) // �������� { WriteMemory(ADR_PWM_KEY_NUMBER, i); WriteMemory(ADR_PWM_TIMING, 0); } WriteMemory(ADR_PWM_DIRECT, 0xffff); WriteMemory(ADR_PWM_DRIVE_MODE, 0); //Choose PWM sourse PWMGenerator on Spartan 200e WriteMemory(ADR_PWM_DEAD_TIME, 360); //Dead time in tics. 1 tic = 16.67 nsec #ifndef _test_without_power // OFF WDOG WriteMemory(ADR_PWM_WDOG, 0x8005); //TODO turn on #else // ON WDOG WriteMemory(ADR_PWM_WDOG, 0x0005); //TODO turn on #endif WriteMemory(ADR_PWM_PERIOD, VAR_FREQ_PWM_XTICS); // Saw period in tics. 1 tic = 16.67 nsec WriteMemory(ADR_PWM_SAW_DIRECT, 0x0555); WriteMemory(ADR_TK_MASK_0, 0); WriteMemory(ADR_TK_MASK_1, 0xffff); //Turn off additional 16 tk lines #if C_PROJECT_TYPE == PROJECT_BALZAM WriteMemory(ADR_PWM_IT_TYPE, 1); //1 interrupt per PWM period #else WriteMemory(ADR_PWM_IT_TYPE, 0); //interrupt on each counter twist #endif // WriteMemory(ADR_PWM_WDOG, 0x8008);//���������� ������ �� PWM #endif #ifdef TMSPWMGEN WriteMemory(ADR_PWM_MODE_0, 0x0000); //�������� � �������� ��������� ��� TMS #endif /* End �f PWM Gen init */ } void initPWM_Variables(void) { //��� ������ ���� �������, ����� ���� ��������� ������, ��� ������ ���� // xpwm_time.Tclosed_0 = 0; // xpwm_time.Tclosed_1 = VAR_FREQ_PWM_XTICS + 1; // xpwm_time.pwm_tics = VAR_FREQ_PWM_XTICS; // xpwm_time.saw_direct.all = 0;//0x0555; // xpwm_time.one_or_two_interrupts_run = PWM_TWICE_INTERRUPT_RUN; init_alpha_pwm24(VAR_FREQ_PWM_XTICS); InitVariablesSvgen(VAR_FREQ_PWM_XTICS); init_DQ_pid(); break_resistor_managment_init(); rmp_freq.RampLowLimit = _IQ(-4); //0 rmp_freq.RampHighLimit = _IQ(4); rmp_freq.RampPlus = _IQ(0.00005); //_IQ(0.0002);_IQ(0.000005); rmp_freq.RampMinus = _IQ(-0.00005); //_IQ(-0.000005); rmp_freq.DesiredInput = 0; rmp_freq.Out = 0; a.k = 0; a.k1 = 0; a.k2 = 0; k1 = 0; freq1 = 0; } #pragma CODE_SECTION(start_PWM24,".fast_run2") void start_PWM24(int O1, int O2) { if ((O1 == 1) && (O2 == 1)) { start_pwm(); } else { if ((O1 == 0) && (O2 == 1)) { start_pwm_b(); } if ((O1 == 1) && (O2 == 0)) { start_pwm_a(); } } } inline void init_regulators() { if(f.Mode != 0) { pwm_vector_model_titov(f.iq_p_zad, f.iq_fzad, rotor.direct_rotor, rotor.iqFout, f.Mode, 1, 1); } } #define select_working_channels(go_a, go_b) go_a = !f.Obmotka1; \ go_b = !f.Obmotka2; void PWM_interrupt() { static unsigned int pwm_run = 0; static _iq Uzad1, Fzad, Uzad2; static int count_step=0; static int count_step_ram_off = 0; static int count_start_impuls = 0; static int flag_record_log = 0; static int log_saved_to_const_mem = 0; static int prevGo = -1; static volatile unsigned int go_a = 0; static volatile unsigned int go_b = 0; static int stop_rotor_counter = 0; static int prev_go_a = 1; static int prev_go_b = 1; int pwm_enable_calc_main = 0; int start_int_xtics = 0, end_int_xtics = 0; // i_led1_on_off(1); if (pwm_run == 1) { // stop_pwm(); // errors.slow_stop.bit.PWM_interrupt_to_long |= 1; return; } pwm_run = 1; // detect_level_interrupt(); // start_int_xtics = xpwm_time.current_period; if (xpwm_time.where_interrupt == PWM_LOW_LEVEL_INTERRUPT || xpwm_time.one_or_two_interrupts_run == PWM_ONE_INTERRUPT_RUN) { pwm_enable_calc_main = 1; if (f.flag_second_PCH) { fix_pwm_freq_synchro_ain(); } } else { // i_sync_pin_on(); pwm_enable_calc_main = 0; } // project.cds_in[0].read_pbus(&project.cds_in[0]); //read direction // project.read_all_pbus(); // optical_bus_read(); update_rot_sensors(); global_time.calc(&global_time); // inc_RS_timeout_cicle(); inc_CAN_timeout_cicle(); detect_I_M_overload(); DetectI_Out_BreakFase(); Rotor_measure(); if ((f.Go == 1) && (f.Stop == 0) && (f.rotor_stopped == 0) // && (faults.faults5.bit.rotor_stopped == 0) /* && (f.Ready2 == 1)*/) { if (f.Ready2) {f.flag_turn_On_Pump = 1;} //�� ��-��� ������ if (f.Go != prevGo) { set_start_mem(FAST_LOG); // clear_mem(FAST_LOG); // count_start_impuls = 0; count_step = 0; count_step_ram_off = COUNT_SAVE_LOG_OFF; init_regulators(); stop_rotor_counter = 0; } else { if (f.Mode == 0) { rmp_freq.DesiredInput = freq1; rmp_freq.calc(&rmp_freq); // Fzad = rmp_freq.Out; Fzad = freq1; // if(k1 < 87772) // { k1 = 87772;} Uzad1 = k1; Uzad2 = k1; } select_working_channels(go_a, go_b); if (go_a == 0 && prev_go_a != go_a) { stop_pwm_a(); } if (go_a == 1 && prev_go_a != go_a) { start_pwm_a(); } if (go_b == 0 && prev_go_b != go_b) { stop_pwm_b(); } if (go_b == 1 && prev_go_b != go_b) { start_pwm_b(); } prev_go_a = go_a; prev_go_b = go_b; if (count_start_impuls < COUNT_START_IMP) { count_start_impuls++; Fzad = 0; rmp_freq.Out = 0; // set_start_mem(FAST_LOG); // set_start_mem(SLOW_LOG); } else { if (count_start_impuls==2) { if (go_a == 1 && go_b == 1) { // ��� ���������� middle ��������� ������ ����� ����������� ������� pwm // start_pwm(); ������ ��������� ���� ��� �� ��������� f.Go start_pwm(); } else if (go_a == 1) { write_swgen_pwm_times(); //TODO: Check with new PWM start_pwm_a(); } else if (go_b == 1) { write_swgen_pwm_times(); start_pwm_b(); } } // end if (count_start_impuls==1) count_start_impuls++; if (count_start_impuls > 2 * COUNT_START_IMP) { count_start_impuls = 2 * COUNT_START_IMP; } } } flag_record_log = 1; log_saved_to_const_mem = 0; } else { if (f.Discharge && (errors.slow_stop2.bit.Break_Resistor == 0) && (errors.plains_and_others.bit.er0_setted == 0) && (errors.umu_errors.bit.Voltage380_BSU_Off == 0)) // && !f.Stop) { start_break_pwm(); break_resistor_managment_calc(); } else { //Do not stop, when come for the first time, to write to xilinx times to close keys. //Otherwise mintime error can occure. //Also we do not stop pwm wile break_resistor keys working if (!count_start_impuls) { // ��� ���������� ������ �� ������ ����� ���������� stop_pwm(); } break_resistor_set_closed(); } if (count_step_ram_off > 0) { count_step_ram_off--; flag_record_log = 1; } else { flag_record_log = 0; } pwm_vector_model_titov(f.iq_p_zad, f.iq_fzad, rotor.direct_rotor, rotor.iqFout, 0, 1, 1); if (count_start_impuls > 0) { count_start_impuls -= 1; } else { count_start_impuls = 0; } Uzad1 = 87772; //0.5% Uzad2 = 87772; k1 = Uzad1; svgen_pwm24_1.Gain = Uzad1; svgen_pwm24_2.Gain = Uzad1; svgen_dq_1.Ualpha = 0; svgen_dq_1.Ubeta = 0; svgen_dq_2.Ualpha = 0; svgen_dq_2.Ubeta = 0; a.iqk = Uzad1; } // a.iqk1 = Uzad1; // a.iqk2 = Uzad2; // a.iqk = (a.iqk1 + a.iqk2) >> 1; // a.iqf = Fzad; prevGo = f.Go; break_resistor_recup_calc(); break_resistor_managment_update(); if (count_start_impuls >= (2 * COUNT_START_IMP) ) { if (f.Mode == 0) { // test_calc_pwm24(Uzad1, Uzad2, Fzad); if (pwm_enable_calc_main) { test_calc_simple_dq_pwm24(Uzad1, Uzad2, Fzad, Fzad, K_MODUL_MAX); } analog_dq_calc_const(); } else { if ((_IQabs(rotor.iqFout) < STOP_ROTOR_LIMIT) && (_IQabs(analog.iqIq1) > STOP_ROTOR_MIN_CURRENT)) { if ((stop_rotor_counter >= 2520)) { stop_rotor_counter = 2520; // faults.faults5.bit.rotor_stopped |= 1; f.rotor_stopped |= 1; } else { stop_rotor_counter += 1; } if (_IQabs(analog.Fsl) < MIN_Fsl_WHEN_STOPED) { // faults.faults5.bit.rotor_stopped |= 1; f.rotor_stopped |= 1; } } else { if (stop_rotor_counter > 0) { stop_rotor_counter -= 1; } else { stop_rotor_counter = 0; } } pwm_vector_model_titov(f.iq_p_zad, f.iq_fzad, rotor.direct_rotor, rotor.iqFout, f.Mode, 0, pwm_enable_calc_main); } } else { // ��� ����� middle ��������� ����� ����������� ������ if (count_start_impuls) { // svgen_set_time_keys_closed(&svgen_pwm24_1); // svgen_set_time_keys_closed(&svgen_pwm24_2); svgen_set_time_middle_keys_open(&svgen_pwm24_1); svgen_set_time_middle_keys_open(&svgen_pwm24_2); } else // � ��� �� ��� ����������� { svgen_set_time_keys_closed(&svgen_pwm24_1); svgen_set_time_keys_closed(&svgen_pwm24_2); //������� ������ ���� // if (faults.faults5.bit.rotor_stopped == 1) { if (f.rotor_stopped == 1) { if (stop_rotor_counter > 0) { stop_rotor_counter -= 1; } else { // faults.faults5.bit.rotor_stopped = 0; f.rotor_stopped = 0; stop_rotor_counter = 0; } } else { stop_rotor_counter = 0; } } } if (f.Mode) { a.iqf = analog.iqFstator; } else { a.iqf = Fzad; analog.iqFstator = Fzad; a.iqk1 = _IQsqrt(_IQmpy(svgen_dq_1.Ualpha, svgen_dq_1.Ualpha) + _IQmpy(svgen_dq_1.Ubeta, svgen_dq_1.Ubeta)); //For output Kmodul to terminal a.iqk2 = _IQsqrt(_IQmpy(svgen_dq_2.Ualpha, svgen_dq_2.Ualpha) + _IQmpy(svgen_dq_2.Ubeta, svgen_dq_2.Ubeta)); //end counting Uout } a.iqk = (a.iqk1 + a.iqk2) / 2; // write_swgen_pwm_times(); if (xpwm_time.one_or_two_interrupts_run == PWM_ONE_INTERRUPT_RUN) write_swgen_pwm_times_split_eages(PWM_MODE_RELOAD_FORCE); else { if (f.Go == 1) { if (count_start_impuls == (2 * COUNT_START_IMP)) { if (pwm_enable_calc_main) write_swgen_pwm_times_split_eages(PWM_MODE_RELOAD_LEVEL_HIGH); else write_swgen_pwm_times_split_eages(PWM_MODE_RELOAD_LEVEL_LOW); } else // if (pwm_enable_calc_main) write_swgen_pwm_times_split_eages(PWM_MODE_RELOAD_FORCE); } else { if (count_start_impuls == (2 * COUNT_START_IMP) - 1) { if (pwm_enable_calc_main) write_swgen_pwm_times_split_eages(PWM_MODE_RELOAD_LEVEL_HIGH); else write_swgen_pwm_times_split_eages(PWM_MODE_RELOAD_LEVEL_LOW); } else write_swgen_pwm_times_split_eages(PWM_MODE_RELOAD_FORCE); } // if (pwm_enable_calc_main) // prev_run_calc_uf = run_calc_uf; } // logs recording // if ((flag_record_log && !f.stop_Log) || f.Startstoplog) // //if (f.Log1_Log2 == 1)// && f.Go == 1 && (!f.Stop)) // //if(f.Go == 1) // { // test_mem_limit(FAST_LOG, !f.Ciclelog); // count_step++; // // if (count_step >= 0) { // fillADClogs(); //// logpar.log13 = flag_record_log; //// logpar.log14 = count_start_impuls; //// logpar.log10 = (int16)_IQtoIQ15(analog.iqIq1_filter); //// logpar.log11 = (int16)_IQtoIQ15(rotor.iqFrotFromOptica); // logpar.log15 = (int16) _IQtoIQ15(analog.iqIq2); // logpar.log16 = (int16) _IQtoIQ15(a.iqk1); // logpar.log17 = (int16) _IQtoIQ15(analog.iqId1); // logpar.log18 = (int16) _IQtoIQ15(analog.iqIq1); // //// logpar.log24 = (int16) break_result_1; //// logpar.log25 = (int16) break_result_2; // logpar.log27 = (int16)(_IQtoIQ15(analog.iqIbtr1_1)); // logpar.log28 = (int16)(_IQtoIQ15(analog.iqIbtr2_1)); // // getFastLogs(!f.Ciclelog); // count_step = 0; // } // } else { // if (f.Stop && log_saved_to_const_mem == 0) { // logpar.copy_log_to_const_memory = 1; // log_saved_to_const_mem = 1; // } // } // optical_bus_write(); // detect_current_saw_val(); end_int_xtics = xpwm_time.current_period; f.PWMcounterVal = labs(start_int_xtics - end_int_xtics); pwm_run = 0; i_sync_pin_off(); // i_led1_on_off(0); } void slow_vector_update() { _iq iqKzad = 0; freq1 = _IQ (f.fzad/F_STATOR_MAX);//f.iqFRotorSetHz; iqKzad = _IQ(f.kzad); k1 = zad_intensiv_q(30000, 30000, k1, iqKzad); //20000 } //#pragma CODE_SECTION(write_swgen_pwm_times,".fast_run"); //void write_swgen_pwm_times() //{ // xpwm_time.Ta0_0 = (unsigned int) svgen_pwm24_1.Tc_0.Ti; // xpwm_time.Ta0_1 = (unsigned int) svgen_pwm24_1.Tc_1.Ti; // xpwm_time.Tb0_0 = (unsigned int) svgen_pwm24_1.Tb_0.Ti; // xpwm_time.Tb0_1 = (unsigned int) svgen_pwm24_1.Tb_1.Ti; // xpwm_time.Tc0_0 = (unsigned int) svgen_pwm24_1.Ta_0.Ti; // xpwm_time.Tc0_1 = (unsigned int) svgen_pwm24_1.Ta_1.Ti; // // xpwm_time.Ta1_0 = (unsigned int) svgen_pwm24_2.Tc_0.Ti; // xpwm_time.Ta1_1 = (unsigned int) svgen_pwm24_2.Tc_1.Ti; // xpwm_time.Tb1_0 = (unsigned int) svgen_pwm24_2.Tb_0.Ti; // xpwm_time.Tb1_1 = (unsigned int) svgen_pwm24_2.Tb_1.Ti; // xpwm_time.Tc1_0 = (unsigned int) svgen_pwm24_2.Ta_0.Ti; // xpwm_time.Tc1_1 = (unsigned int) svgen_pwm24_2.Ta_1.Ti; // // xpwm_time.Tbr0_0 = break_result_1; // xpwm_time.Tbr0_1 = break_result_2; // xpwm_time.Tbr1_0 = break_result_3; // xpwm_time.Tbr1_1 = break_result_4; // // xpwm_time.write_1_2_winding_break_times(&xpwm_time); // // //// logpar.log29 = xpwm_time.Ta0_0; //// logpar.log30 = xpwm_time.Ta0_1; //// logpar.log10 = xpwm_time.Tb0_0; //// logpar.log11 = xpwm_time.Tb0_1; //// logpar.log12 = xpwm_time.Tc0_0; //// logpar.log13 = xpwm_time.Tc0_1; //// logpar.log7 = _IQtoIQ12(svgen_pwm24_1.Alpha); //// logpar.log8 = xpwm_time.Ta0_0 - xpwm_time.Tb0_0; //// logpar.log9 = xpwm_time.Ta0_1 - xpwm_time.Tb0_1; //// logpar.log10 = xpwm_time.Tb0_0 - xpwm_time.Tc0_0; //// logpar.log11 = xpwm_time.Tb0_1 - xpwm_time.Tc0_1; //// logpar.log12 = xpwm_time.Tc0_0 - xpwm_time.Ta0_0; //// logpar.log13 = xpwm_time.Tc0_1 - xpwm_time.Ta0_1; // //} //#pragma CODE_SECTION(write_swgen_pwm_times_split_eages,".fast_run2"); //void write_swgen_pwm_times_split_eages(unsigned int mode_reload) //{ // // xpwm_time.Ta0_0 = (unsigned int) svgen_pwm24_1.Tc_0.Ti; // xpwm_time.Ta0_1 = (unsigned int) svgen_pwm24_1.Tc_1.Ti; // xpwm_time.Tb0_0 = (unsigned int) svgen_pwm24_1.Tb_0.Ti; // xpwm_time.Tb0_1 = (unsigned int) svgen_pwm24_1.Tb_1.Ti; // xpwm_time.Tc0_0 = (unsigned int) svgen_pwm24_1.Ta_0.Ti; // xpwm_time.Tc0_1 = (unsigned int) svgen_pwm24_1.Ta_1.Ti; // // xpwm_time.Ta1_0 = (unsigned int) svgen_pwm24_2.Tc_0.Ti; // xpwm_time.Ta1_1 = (unsigned int) svgen_pwm24_2.Tc_1.Ti; // xpwm_time.Tb1_0 = (unsigned int) svgen_pwm24_2.Tb_0.Ti; // xpwm_time.Tb1_1 = (unsigned int) svgen_pwm24_2.Tb_1.Ti; // xpwm_time.Tc1_0 = (unsigned int) svgen_pwm24_2.Ta_0.Ti; // xpwm_time.Tc1_1 = (unsigned int) svgen_pwm24_2.Ta_1.Ti; // // xpwm_time.Tbr0_0 = break_result_1; // xpwm_time.Tbr0_1 = break_result_2; // xpwm_time.Tbr1_0 = break_result_3; // xpwm_time.Tbr1_1 = break_result_4; // // xpwm_time.mode_reload = mode_reload; // // xpwm_time.write_1_2_winding_break_times_split(&xpwm_time); //} #define CONST_IQ_1 16777216 //1 //#pragma CODE_SECTION(fix_pwm_freq_synchro_ain,".fast_run"); //void fix_pwm_freq_synchro_ain() //{ //// if (f.Sync_input_or_output == SYNC_INPUT) // { // sync_inc_error(); // // if (f.disable_sync || f.sync_ready == 0) // { // // // return; // } // // if (f.pwm_freq_plus_minus_zero==1) // { // // // //Increment xtics // VAR_FREQ_PWM_XTICS = DEF_FREQ_PWM_XTICS + 1; // WriteMemory(ADR_PWM_PERIOD, VAR_FREQ_PWM_XTICS); // Saw period in tics. 1 tic = 16.67 nsec // // change_freq_pwm(VAR_FREQ_PWM_XTICS); // // // } // // if (f.pwm_freq_plus_minus_zero==-1) // { // //4464 // //Decrement xtics // VAR_FREQ_PWM_XTICS = DEF_FREQ_PWM_XTICS - 1; // WriteMemory(ADR_PWM_PERIOD, VAR_FREQ_PWM_XTICS); // Saw period in tics. 1 tic = 16.67 nsec // // change_freq_pwm(VAR_FREQ_PWM_XTICS); // // } // // if (f.pwm_freq_plus_minus_zero==0) // { // VAR_FREQ_PWM_XTICS = DEF_FREQ_PWM_XTICS - 1; // WriteMemory(ADR_PWM_PERIOD, VAR_FREQ_PWM_XTICS); // change_freq_pwm(VAR_FREQ_PWM_XTICS); // } // // } // // // //} //void detect_level_interrupt(void) //{ // // WriteMemory(ADR_SAW_REQUEST, 0x8000); // xpwm_time.current_period = ReadMemory(ADR_SAW_VALUE); // // if (xpwm_time.current_period<xpwm_time.pwm_tics/2) // xpwm_time.where_interrupt = PWM_LOW_LEVEL_INTERRUPT; // // if (xpwm_time.current_period>xpwm_time.pwm_tics/2) // xpwm_time.where_interrupt = PWM_HIGH_LEVEL_INTERRUPT; // //} // //void detect_current_saw_val(void) //{ // WriteMemory(ADR_SAW_REQUEST, 0x8000); // xpwm_time.current_period = ReadMemory(ADR_SAW_VALUE); //}