268 lines
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268 lines
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#define S_FUNCTION_NAME wrapper_inu
#include "simstruc.h"
#include "math.h"
#include "wrapper_inu.h"
#define MDL_UPDATE
/* Function: mdlUpdate ====================================================
* Abstract:
* This function is called once for every major integration time step.
* Discrete states are typically updated here, but this function is useful
* for performing any tasks that should only take place once per
* integration step.
static void mdlUpdate(SimStruct *S, int_T tid)
const real_T *u = (const real_T*) ssGetInputPortRealSignal(S,0);
real_T *xD = ssGetDiscStates(S);
real_T *rW = ssGetRWork(S);
int_T *iW = ssGetIWork(S);
controller(S, u, xD, rW, iW);
}//end mdlUpdate
/* Function: mdlCheckParameters ===========================================
* Abstract:
* mdlCheckParameters verifies new parameter settings whenever parameter
* change or are re-evaluated during a simulation.
#define MDL_CHECK_PARAMETERS /* Change to #undef to remove function */
static void mdlCheckParameters(SimStruct *S)
int i;
for (i=0; i<NPARAMS; i++)
// Input parameter must be scalar or vector of type double
if (!mxIsDouble(ssGetSFcnParam(S,i)) || mxIsComplex(ssGetSFcnParam(S,i)) ||
ssSetErrorStatus(S,"Input parameter must be of type double");
if (mxGetNumberOfDimensions(ssGetSFcnParam(S,i)) > 2)
// Parameter not tunable
// ssSetSFcnParamTunable(S, i, SS_PRM_NOT_TUNABLE);
// Parameter tunable (we must create a corresponding run-time parameter)
ssSetSFcnParamTunable(S, i, SS_PRM_TUNABLE);
// Parameter tunable only during simulation
// ssSetSFcnParamTunable(S, i, SS_PRM_SIM_ONLY_TUNABLE);
}//for (i=0; i<NPARAMS; i++)
}//end mdlCheckParameters
#define MDL_PROCESS_PARAMETERS /* Change to #undef to remove function */
/* Function: mdlProcessParameters =========================================
* Abstract:
* This method will be called after mdlCheckParameters, whenever
* parameters change or get re-evaluated. The purpose of this method is
* to process the newly changed parameters. For example "caching" the
* parameter changes in the work vectors. Note this method is not
* called when it is used with the Real-Time Workshop. Therefore,
* if you use this method in an S-function which is being used with the
* Real-Time Workshop, you must write your S-function such that it doesn't
* rely on this method. This can be done by inlining your S-function
* via the Target Language Compiler.
static void mdlProcessParameters(SimStruct *S)
int_T *iW = ssGetIWork(S);
iW[0] = 1;//processParameters
/* Function: mdlInitializeSizes ===========================================
* Abstract:
* The sizes information is used by Simulink to determine the S-function
* block's characteristics (number of inputs, outputs, states, etc.).
static void mdlInitializeSizes(SimStruct *S)
// Number of expected parameters
ssSetNumSFcnParams(S, NPARAMS);
// mdlCheckParameters()
if(ssGetNumSFcnParams(S) == ssGetSFcnParamsCount(S))
return;// Parameter mismatch will be reported by Simulink
// Register the number and type of states the S-Function uses
ssSetNumContStates(S, 0); // number of continuous states
ssSetNumDiscStates(S, OUTPUT_0_WIDTH); // number of discrete states
if (!ssSetNumInputPorts(S, 1)) return;
ssSetInputPortWidth(S, 0, INPUT_0_WIDTH);
// <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>, <20><><EFBFBD> <20><><EFBFBD> <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> <20><>-<2D><> <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> <20><><EFBFBD> direct feedthrough
ssSetInputPortDirectFeedThrough(S, 0, 0);
ssSetInputPortRequiredContiguous(S, 0, 1); // direct input signal access
if (!ssSetNumOutputPorts(S, 1)) return;
ssSetOutputPortWidth(S, 0, OUTPUT_0_WIDTH);
// Number of sample times
ssSetNumSampleTimes(S, 1);
// Set size of the work vectors
ssSetNumRWork( S, RWORK_0_WIDTH); // number of real work vector elements
ssSetNumIWork( S, IWORK_0_WIDTH); // number of integer work vector elements
ssSetNumPWork( S, 0); // number of pointer work vector elements
ssSetNumModes( S, 0); // number of mode work vector elements
ssSetNumNonsampledZCs( S, 0); // number of nonsampled zero crossings
// ssSetNumDWork(S, 1);
// ssSetDWorkWidth(S, 0, 12);//Inm
// ssSetDWorkDataType(S, 0, SS_DOUBLE);
* All options have the form SS_OPTION_<name> and are documented in
* matlabroot/simulink/include/simstruc.h. The options should be
* bitwise or'd together as in
}//end mdlInitializeSizes
/* Function: mdlInitializeSampleTimes =====================================
* Abstract:
* This function is used to specify the sample time(s) for your
* S-function. You must register the same number of sample times as
* specified in ssSetNumSampleTimes.
static void mdlInitializeSampleTimes(SimStruct *S)
double dt;
dt = mxGetPr(ssGetSFcnParam(S,NPARAMS-1))[0];
// Register one pair for each sample time
ssSetSampleTime(S, 0, dt);
ssSetOffsetTime(S, 0, 0.0);
}//end mdlInitializeSampleTimes
#define MDL_START // Change to #undef to remove function
#if defined(MDL_START)
/* Function: mdlStart =====================================================
* Abstract:
* This function is called once at start of model execution. If you
* have states that should be initialized once, this is the place
* to do it.
static void mdlStart(SimStruct *S)
int_T *iW = ssGetIWork(S);
iW[0] = 1;//processParameters
iW[1] = 1;//start
#endif // MDL_START
/* Function: mdlOutputs ===================================================
* Abstract:
* In this function, you compute the outputs of your S-function
* block. Generally outputs are placed in the output vector(s),
* ssGetOutputPortSignal.
static void mdlOutputs(SimStruct *S, int_T tid)
real_T *y = ssGetOutputPortRealSignal(S,0);
real_T *xD = ssGetDiscStates(S);
int i;
for (i=0; i<OUTPUT_0_WIDTH; i++)
y[i] = xD[i];
}//end mdlOutputs
/* Function: mdlTerminate =================================================
* Abstract:
* In this function, you should perform any actions that are necessary
* at the termination of a simulation. For example, if memory was
* allocated in mdlStart, this is the place to free it.
static void mdlTerminate(SimStruct *S)
* Required S-function trailer *
#ifdef MATLAB_MEX_FILE // Is this file being compiled as a MEX-file?
#include "simulink.c" // MEX-file interface mechanism
#include "cg_sfun.h" // Code generation registration function